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Tatsu no naku koro ni (When they cry tribute)

Applications for the OC's and STAFF MEMBERS ARE OPEN!!!


Who are the Furniture?
A witch or a wizard can create Furniture, in Umineko no naku koro ni, the furniture is based on something special, in this project we have two types of furniture, one has a special design on clothes (like the stakes’s uniform) and the other one works as staff in the mansion.

For the furniture that works in the mansion: You can have magic, you can decide if your character discovers it through the game and it’s not an actual human (which can be used as a very good character development) or be like Shannon or Kanon, that are aware of their magic and furniture status. As a member of the mansion you work under a special set of Furniture, a Master Butler, a Chief Maid, a Gardener and a  Master Chef. If you want for example to create a maid, you’ll be in the charge of the Chief of Maids, and such.

For the special Furniture Team: We have a special design for the uniforms of the team of the Furniture of the Witch, please direct to the special poll in the character menu to decide the name of this special team. We have names too and what are based from, PLEASE if you want to be part of this team I shall post under the Furniture of the Witch in the Character section all about them. Please refer to that and chose yours and create a design and basing on their basic personality create a story for them. AND YOU CAN’T CHANGE THE OUTFIT…if you don’t like it so sorry..
How many furniture characters will be allowed?
For the mansion staff: Only 3.
For the furniture of the witch: 7.



1.- You are able to use magic.

2.- You can use your powers as long as there’s no more than 1 human watching you.
3.- Your character can’t know about the games in Tomogashima.

4.- Your character WILL work for the witch in Tomogashima.  
5.- Your character cannot be overpowered.
 6.- If you send your application but it’s not accepted, you can try to fix it or send a new one.

7.- You will be working in a Role-Playing with expert Role-players, if you can’t take serious-Role-plays, or role-plays aside from harcore sex-rps please refrain from entering. There will be comedy but please you need to know that there’s a moment for everything.
8.- If you have no idea of Role-playing, please don’t think that we are going to help you, we need expert Role-players, we don’t have time to help you.

9.- Don’t get mad, if you don’t get your way in the story, it’s not around you. And believe me you are not the only main character.


11.- If you don’t know about Higurashi or Umineko, please investigate VERY WELL or read at least one visual novel before applying we will be using terms of Umineko and we will need you to have that knowledge.




1.- You are able to use magic.

2.- You are only visible to humans in a Strada, or in the metaworld.
3.- Your character can know about the games in Tomogashima.

4.- Your character WILL work for the witch in Tomogashima.  
5.- Your character cannot be overpowered.
 6.- If you send your application but it’s not accepted, you can try to fix it or send a new one.

7.- You will be working in a Role-Playing with expert Role-players, if you can’t take serious-Role-plays, or role-plays aside from harcore sex-rps please refrain from entering. There will be comedy but please you need to know that there’s a moment for everything.
8.- If you have no idea of Role-playing, please don’t think that we are going to help you, we need expert Role-players, we don’t have time to help you.

9.- Don’t get mad, if you don’t get your way in the story, it’s not around you. And believe me you are not the only main character.


11.- If you don’t know about Higurashi or Umineko, please investigate VERY WELL or read at least one visual novel before applying we will be using terms of Umineko and we will need you to have that knowledge.



Copy-Paste this application in a new e-mail, fill it out with your character.

Attach a drawing of your Original Character with colors. (only drawings made by you, we don’t want art theft), even if you think your drawing is not good don’t worry send it. There will be someone else making the sprites. And if you really can’t draw, send a VERY DETAILED description and some refs. (This can be anime) of how you imagine your character.
With the title: Furniture Application.
Send it to:



Basic Information:

RPer: (Here goes your name as staff member it can be a nickname)
Sign: (This is only for the furniture of the witch)

Sexuality: (We don’t judge)


Hair color: (It can be any color, but please try to stay in one shade, I don’t want rainbow coloured hair)

Skin Tone:

Personality: (For the furniture of the witch use as base the personality given in the proper section of them)

Unique Qualities: (Anything that makes them stand out)



Bad Habits:

Magic: This is a very special part of your application, I will base my decision in this part more than ANYTHING ELSE.


Weapons: (For the furniture of the witch, Swords)

How does your power aid witches:

Weakness Powers: (What can destroy your powers)

Background Story:


RP Monolouge: (More than 10 Sentences, please RP the character you are applying for. And please write the monolouge as a third person monolouge.)